That Was Awesome, The Fight Scene Where Excellently Made You are Proably the Best Sonic Flash Creator Ever, Also At the End of the Credits Was that Eggman who picked up the ring?
That Was Awesome, The Fight Scene Where Excellently Made You are Proably the Best Sonic Flash Creator Ever, Also At the End of the Credits Was that Eggman who picked up the ring?
that was sad yet awesome, 10/10 5/5
sticmen boring, stickmen fighting and being funny AWESOME 10/10 5/5
Series Ender
once Again The Series Ender was So totally worth it this is something no one has ever done Before Now To Season 3 p.S AWESOME
Drawn to Sprites
That was Awesome The Fight Scene wsas Increible I liked how it would switch from Drawn to Sprites it's something newver before done
that was awesome that was to cool that was proably the best thing to hit newgrounds ever that was *faints*
you spent several months of this I guess you didn't really work on it that much did you
that is mean killing a baby you are a meany and this was already blammed and you mae no changes to it you could be banned from submitting to the portal for 15 days for dong somthin' like that
It was never blammed, dumb shit.
this is awesome you rock
was zordon voiced by egoraptor he sounds like him oh adn THIS IS HILARIOUS AWESOME AND UH SHIT THERE AREN'T MANY WORDS TO DESCRIBE HOW COOL THIS IS
Joined on 2/11/08